



Memories of Grace: A Life of Attendance to True Parents

Memoirs of Dr. Hyo-yul Peter Kim

  • 저자 Hyo-yul Peter Kim
  • 출간일 2024년 7월 25일
  • 브랜드 천원사
  • 책분야 자서전
  • 페이지 328쪽
  • ISBN 978-89-7132-958-0
  • 원서명 모심의 은사, 참부모님과 함께한 순간들


Testament to the Passion of True Parents for God

Dong-moon Joo, Ph.D._ 3

The Eternal Emblem of the Providence

Charles Yang, Ph.D. _ 8

The Torchbearer of True Parents’ Providence

Sun-jo Hwang, Ph.D. _ 15


Dreaming of a Life of Complete Alignment with No Shadows,

Having Achieved Oneness of Heart with True Parents _ 21

Part 1 The Spring Breeze That Thawed North Korea

The Visit to Pyongyang Began with a Premonitory Dream _ 30

On the Way to Give the Best of Gifts _ 35

Finding the Bag with Gifts _ 44

The Security Department Officer Bringing

His Ear to Father’s Mouth _ 48

Our Wise True Mother _ 56

Risking One’s Life for a Speech _ 61

The Northern Snakehead Caught at Mount Kumgang _ 72

Shedding Tears in Jeongju _ 82

The Historic Embrace of Brothers United by True Love _ 92

Our Last Day in Pyongyang _ 105

Part 2 Making Miracles with Love

Let Me Join Father in Prison _ 112

The Gatekeeper of Danbury _ 121

Bearing the Cross of 20th Century America _ 127

Changing the History of the World from Prison _ 133

Invictus _ 141

How Difficult Is It to Get to Heaven? _ 146

May You Bloom, My Beloved _ 150

A Little Angel Came to Danbury _ 156

Knowing about Life in the Spirit World _ 160

The Invisible Substantial World Is Real _ 167

Live for the Sake of Others _ 169

Translating ‘Life in the World Unseen’ _ 174

Running with True Father’s Rock of Prayers _ 176

Part 3 Embracing the World with Love

True Parents Trust, Even When Waiting _ 182

Saving America _ 192

Are You the Messiah? _ 196

Lighting a Candle in the Darkness _ 202

Befriending a Head of State in Five Minutes _ 207

Heavenly Grace Is Found in Adversity _ 212

“Danny Boy” Resonates at the Great Hall of the People _ 218

The Start of the Ocean Providence _ 226

The Pantanal Is Like the Garden of Eden _ 232

Memories of Halibut and King Salmon _ 238

Fishing for Mullet Becomes a Priceless Treasure _ 245

Part 4 Teachings and Lessons of Love

Live According to the Dictates of Your Original Mind _ 252

The Crown of Glory _ 257

The Heart Precedes the Task _ 263

Father of Principles, Mother of Faith _ 268

True Parents’ Greatest Blessing _ 273

The Joy of Having Someone to Call “Father” _ 279

Saved by True Parents Four Times _ 285

Save Father and Mother First! _ 291

True Father’s Ascension _ 296

Keep True Parents’ Legacy Going _ 301

Even on my way up to Pukala House, I vividly remembered the monster snakehead fish I had dreamed about. The image of this fish would pop up in my head continuously, even after I arrived at the house, had finished Hoondokhae and was seated for breakfast. Then I told True Father, “Father, I arrived late at the hotel last night and briefly fell asleep, but in my sleep I had a premonitory dream.” True Parents said, “Really? Tell me about this dream of yours.”

I got a little excited and told them in great detail about the dream I had, which I remembered as clearly as if it were a living memory. Hearing me, True Parents looked at each other and smiled broadly. After I finished my report, True Parents said, “We will now be going to Pyongyang. Get ready.” (pp.33-34)

“아버님, 어젯밤에 제가 호텔에 늦게 도착해서 잠깐 잠이 들었는데 몽시를 받았습니다”라고 보고를 드렸다. 부모님께서 “그래? 어떤 몽시인지 말해 봐라” 하셨다. 나는 약간 흥분한 상태로 생시처럼 선명하게 기억나는 몽시의 내용을 말씀드렸다. 그러자 부모님 양위분은 서로 눈을 맞추면서 빙그레 웃으시는 게 아닌가? 보고가 끝나고 나니 부모님께서 “이제 우리가 평양에 가게 되었으니 준비해라”라는 말씀을 내리셨다. (본문 34쪽)

From that moment, True Father spoke and words poured out like a waterfall. First, True Father strongly spoke about the essence of the providence, including God’s Will, the mission of Jesus, the purpose of the second advent to fulfill the unfinished providential mission, the mission of Christianity and so on. Then True Father spoke about the Korean Peninsula, God’s homeland. The main content was as follows: “Kim Il Sung’s Juche ideology cannot unify North and South Korea. Only the two ideologies of Godism and Headwing ideology can bring peaceful unity between North and South Korea and create a country that will lead the world after unification.” True Father spoke without hesitation. He continued, “South Korean President Roh Tae-woo and North Korean Premier Kim Il Sung cannot unite because they each have their own political agendas. Only through the Headwing ideology, centered on God’s Will, can reunification happen!” True Father shouted so loudly that the room reverberated. Was that not the historic and providential roar of the Messiah? (pp.63-64)

“김일성 주체사상으로는 남북한을 통일할 수 없다. 하나님주의 두익사상만이 남북한을 평화적으로 통일시킬 수 있고, 통일 후 세계를 주도하는 나라를 만들 수 있다.” 아버님은 거침이 없이 말씀을 쏟아내셨다. 이어서 “남한의 노태우 대통령과 북한의 김일성 주석은 각자의 정치적 입장이 있기 때문에 하나 될 수 없다. 오직 하나님의 뜻을 중심한 두익사상만으로 통일할 수 있다!”고 회의실이 쩡쩡 울릴 정도로 외치셨다. 실로 역사적이고 섭리적인 메시아의 포효가 아니었던가? 거기서 끝난 것이 아니었다. 작심을 하신 듯 다시 “북측은 한국전쟁을 북침이라고들 주장하는데, 그것은 명백한 남침이었다!”, “지금까지 남한에 심어놓은 고정간첩 2만 명을 모두 나에게 보내주면 그들을 교육하여 통일의 일꾼들로 쓰겠다”고 강하게 말씀하셨다. (본문 62쪽)
